Thursday, December 2, 2010


Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later.  Poppy pooped on me tonight.

Mike and I went out to feed the girls some noodles. They just go CRAZY for noodles. They used to be so afraid when I would reach into the brooder. But now they just coming running, pecking at my fingers and begging for more. I really have to restrain myself not to over feed them.

We finished feeding them and I decided to pick up Poppy.  She doesn't like to be held but she'll gladly roost on my wrist or my knee.  So I set her up on my shoulder so she could have a bird's eye view of the other girls.  She quickly sat down and got comfortable.  I was tickling her tummy, and then it happened.  I felt something warm down my back.  Okay, I asked for that.  I just fed her.  I must be good for a few more minutes.  But within seconds, she tagged me again.  ACK!  And before Mike can reach up to take her off of me, she nailed me again.  Three times in about twenty seconds.

Note to Self - hold the girls BEFORE feeding!


  1. That is called machine gun pooping. I guess the good news is she was happy and comfortable enough to just let loose.

  2. Do you feed the Spice Girls noodles b/c they're kinda like worms? (yeah, I may have grown up near your "farm", but I'm as ignorant about raising animals as they come!)

  3. Ha! Well, I tried yogurt and scrambled egg and they just wouldn't have anything to do with it. So I tried noodles thinking they looked like worms and they went gonzo for them.

    Now when I go out to check up on them, they all stop and look up at me to see if it's time for noodles.

    Oh boy. I'm gonna have some plump chickens.
