That would be the compost bin.
I moved it inside the girls run after it was built. For a number of reasons. One, their run is plenty big for the four of them so they are hurting for space. Two, I didn't want to see it as I looked out my sliding back door to the back yard. Three, it makes it easy to clean out their house and dump everything right into the bin. And finally, and the most important reason, is when I turn it, I move it. This leaves several inches of rich soil, full of bugs and critters, for the girls to play in.
And, the girls are on to it. They know that this black "thing" in their area is full of bugs. I wonder if they can hear them in there wiggling around. Because they spend a great deal of time studying the bin. It's like they are looking for the way inside.
I just know I'm going to go out there one of these days and they will have figured out how to open up the bin and the contents of the bin kicked all over their run.
Chicken-turned compost. You're on to something!