Losing Pickles was really rough. But as the saying goes, life goes on. I knew I wanted to get more babies. The challenge was working it into my busy schedule.
I was hoping to get Black Astralorps. I love, love, love my Buff Orpingtons, but I feel like they just don't live as long as some other breeds. I did a ton of research on hens that are quiet, docile, but still good layers. Can tolerate some heat and generally get along with everyone without being a bully. And Black Astralorps seemed to fit that bill.
But when I called around to find some, I was going to be a least a month before anyone had some locally. When I called my favorite feed store, she said they wouldn't have any until June. And out of the blue she said, "But we're getting a big shipment of Buff Orpingtons in on Saturday." And I knew it was a sign.
So I picked up four BO's and then found out they had Cochins. So I also got one black and one partridge Cochin for a total of 6 babies.
Three of the four Buff Orpington's peeking out from under their electric hen. |
The Partridge Cochin is on the left and the Black is on the right. |
Eating is a group sport. |
This was the best group shot I could get. They were really shy the first day home. These little guys go through a lot after hatching to get to their home. Already today, they are so much more active. |