Monday, April 18, 2011

My Favorite Things

Oprah has her favorite things.  My chickens have their favorite things.  And I have my favorite things too! 

And one thing I love for certain are shoes; especially, my garden clogs.  I loved my first pair from day one and when I wore them out, I went down to Smith & Hawkins for a second pair.  But when Smith & Hawkins went under, so did my easy access to my favorite garden clogs.

Since then, I've searched high and low, online and in stores, looking for these clogs.  Along the way I have purchased about six pairs that are simply terrible.  I turn my ankles.  They pinch my toes.  They are so wide, they fly off when I walk.  They lack any degree of support so trying to dig with a shovel is impossible.  And the worst problem, most are fleece lined.  Great when they are brand new.  But when it comes time to give them a good hose down, it takes days for them to dry out again.

Following a link for another reason, I stumbled upon my favorite clogs.  I nearly cried.  I put a pair into a shopping cart, hit purchase and a few days later I was standing in my garden in my favorite garden clogs once again.

Made in Germany and TOTALLY worth the $45 price tag.  If you spend any time in the garden, live in a rainy environment, need something to slip on quickly to walk the dog or kids to school, you need a pair of these clogs.

I bought mine from:,11922,default,cp.html#

1 comment:

  1. My sister in WA is gonna love these!! She's got 2 kids (who are too big to walk to school) and a dog (who is too big) to walk. And she loves both red and clogs!
